Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Changes in our House

with is being DH's last cycle some personnel changes happened in his company shortly after I started this blog, he volunteered to go into the Training room and no longer have a platoon. This was a weird change for me... Seeing him at a desk was odd. I have never seen that before, LOL. So that is why my blogs have stopped. I am greatful he is home at early hours and even had some weekends off! The kids are EXTREMELY happy too! WE have had some major family time in the past 2 weeks! I will try to keep up with my blog on the happenings of BCT land... stay tuned.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 3

Today is Sunday, the day of rest, not for the Drill Sergeants. DH's alarms started going off at 5am, we now have 4 alarms, 2 on the actual alarm clock and 2 on his cell phone. This routine started soon after we arrived here at Fort Jackson. I hardly hear them anymore, ha! I got up a couple hours later to get the kids ready for CCD and church. I decided I would "go back" to church today. I have been unfulfilled in that area of my life since we've been here at Fort Jackson. I haven't found that connection to the Parrish here like I have at other Installations. But today was great! I hope this is a sign of more good things to come. Being in the Army most people become very religious, in our family War made Sergeant come to peace with God. He has his own interpretations of how that works and I love it. There were many soldiers in the service today, and seemed that most of them were there for the right reasons instead of wasting time or trying to score cigarettes or a soda from Burger King, yes that happens all the time and Church is probably the best place for "drug deals" if you will. Sad but true. Anyways... have not heard from the Drill yet today, probably won't until he is in the parking lot getting ready to head home. The all too familiar text "headed home do you need anything" I've grown to love and expect. It makes me smile because after the crazy long day he's just had he still thinks of me and wonders if I need anything. Of course I always respond no thanks, and in my head thing HURRY HOME! I'll be waiting for stories of the day and to reassure him that he's doing the best he can and build him up where he needs it. After all that is my job in the Army.. My Soldiers support and Strength where and when he needs it.

Well my soldier rolled in at 845pm tonight, early night for him? It surprised me. We were able to watch a couple shows on TV before it was time to crash and start the routine all over again. He seemed up beat and said he thinks this cycle will be good, so far the soldiers are eager to learn, that is a great thing to hear!! Let's hope the momentum lasts all cycle!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


The Drill Sergeant had today off because of his CQ duty last night. He came home around 9ish, I was in the shower, he burst int he door and yelled HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Scared the crap out of me. When I got out of the shower I realized my house had been turned into a crazy house! The kids were running around being wild, this seems to always happen when Daddy comes home!?! After I got them settled down, I got a quick kiss from DH and off to bed he went. I rounded up the kids for a day of Brownie's and errands. We got back home around 1 pm and I decided to catch up on DVR shows, kids went to their rooms to play. I used to try and keep the kids quiet while Daddy slept but I've learned that he is usually so exhausted a bomb probably wouldn't wake him. He rolled out of bed around 430pm just in time to get ready for Trick or Treating! WE had a great night as a family!!! Halloween is one of our favorite holiday's and it's always great when the whole family is around. Gotta make the best of it!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 1 - Ship Day

well today is just about over, ship day has come and gone. DH (dear hubby) has the joy of being on CQ (charge of quarters) tonight, meaning he is at the company for 24 + hours making sure everyone is behaving. I was able to be at the company when the new crop of soldiers arrived, it was inspiring to see how determined these young men and women are! I am anxious and hopeful that this cycle will prove one of the best yet! AAA-O!!! (that is our Battalions' modo) At 8pm tonight I got a 1 word text message from him saying "FOOD" that ment he did not get a chance to eat at the mess hall/DFAC, so I loaded up the kids in the jammies and ran to BK, only to find out they close at 8pm, PUNKS! So off post I had to go, I picked him up some McDonalds and ran it into the company, I didn't see him as he was with the PVTS so I just left it on the desk. As I was leaving I heard someone whistling coming down the stairs and I just knew it was him, sure enough, so I got a little kiss and off I went. The kids were exhausted after a long day out.

Myself and 4 other Army wives took 16 kids to the zoo today in our Halloween costumes. It was FANTASTIC! The day was filled with both kids asking if Daddy was coming home? They've got used to him being around after almost 2 weeks off cycle. Poor babies. I explained that Daddy is back to work, and Ariana my 7 year old says "oh so he'll be working really late again" It's amazing how balanced and accepting my children are. I am so proud of them! This life isn't the easiest but darnit they ROCK IT OUT! Anywho, it's nearing 11pm and I'm tired. Off to my lonely be I go, at least the doggies will keep be company tonight, ha ha!

Household 6 signing out!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blogging's from a Drill Sgt's Spouse

Ok so we are on the eve of day one of our LAST cycle on at Fort Jackson. We have been here almost 2 years so our time on the trail is coming to a close. For this last cycle I have decided to blog about the cycle from a DSS (drill sergeant spoues') point of view. This will be our families' 9th cycle since coming here. I say our family because YES, every cycle effects the whole family. Late nights and early mornings effect everyone. The kids have gone a whole week without seeing their Dad even though he comes home every night. Anyways. This should be interesting... follow along if you'd like :)

it's now officially October 30th, so in 14 hours our lives will be turned upside down again. Here's to hoping this cycle goes smooth.

Until next time... Household 6 signing out.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall is here!

I love the south, I love the heat and humidity! But I also love the crisp cold air! This past week has been really cool and I LOVE IT! Today we ventured out of the house and visited a Local Farm that has a corn maze and hayride and other activities to do. It was such a great time! the kids had a blast! I cannot share my pictures right now b/c my connector cord is not working but hopefully tomorrow that will be fixed. Anyways we enjoyed a great family day out which are few and far between when you are on the trail (Husband's a Drill Sergeant) so we cherished EVERY minute of it!

Friday, October 9, 2009

AUSA Conference

Chris, Kate, myself finally HOME!

I was invited to attend the AUSA (Association of the United States Army) conference in Washington D.C this week. It was a great opportunity to represent Fort Jackson and all the issues we want brought to the attention of the commanders. What a great week!

woah. is all I have to say. It was a great opportunity for me as well as the other 3 ladies who came. Needless to say it was a HUGE eye opener. This was the first year that TRADOC was invited so that was HOOAH!

after our first day of sessions we realized that all the info and training we were getting was geared towards FORSCOM (the posts and unit that deploy)..... not really helping us out. So we brought that to the attention of the "higher ups" putting on the conference. They were very excited ot hear from us. So they tried to shift as much as they could. I was surprised at how LITTLE FRG leaders did NOT know?? A couple ladies never heard for EMFP??? excuse me? Or Respite care???? And I was excited to learn that we have our sh!t together at Fort Jackson compared to other BCT posts!!! I did learn that other BCT posts get cycle breaks where as Ft Jackson is working on almost a year with zero cycle breaks for majority of the units. I brought his issue up to the Deputy Tradoc commander and he was surprised and concerned with that news... so i"m hoping something will be done. Also I learned that respite care for Drill Sgts families is on the way (hooray) AND most important we met with Congresswoman Gilford from AZ and she told us the bill for the 3.9% raise was pushed through!!! SAWEET! Then on the way home we shared the bus and plane with Congressman Wilson (woohoo) and he also assured us that the raise was going to come! So that was great news!

Monday, September 28, 2009

How do they do this?

As my time grows near for me to go to D.C. for a conference I wonder how in the world am I going to leave my babies?? I have been extremely lucky to be a stay at home momma and beside the occassional sleep over the kids are usually home with me. I am only going to be gone for 4 days but man it seem like a long time. How does Wayne do it for a year??? As my heart hurts I try to be strong and think to myself this will be so good for the kids to spend 4 whole days with DAD! WOAH! Alright so chin up and drive on little soldier girl, your country (well the family members) need you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School has begun!

Ariana started school on August 20th and Angelo started August 24th. They both seem to be doing great and adjusting well! We have open house on Thursday this week so it will be exciting to see their classrooms and hear what the teachers have to say.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cause I'm a blonde, yah yah YAH!

after not much thought at all I decided to color my hair really really blonde and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Just something to think about...

Professor is a Genius

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had
never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire



That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one
would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK,
we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".

All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade
so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.
The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied
little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had
studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a
free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D!
No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering,
blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would
study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that
socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great,
the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward
away, no one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Land that I love

I love the 4th of July! It truely is one of my favorite holiday's!!! Here are some pictures of us celebrating our independence!!

The summer is half over??

And what a great summer it's been. Filled with waterpark visits, bbq's countless evening's spent outside, Fireside chats, and vacations to Virginia Beach and New Jersey. The kids are surviving and not driving me insaine.. yet..... Soon we'll be looking for school supplies and waiting for the ever antisapated school teacher assignment. I've been keeping busy with AT EASE and the Spouses Club and cannot wait for both to start back up in August. So as we enjoy the last half of summer I hope we make the best of it!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fantastic Friends!

Last weekend I made a quick trip up to Virginia Beach to attend a Christening party for a good Friend! It was awesome! It's always great to see my "theater crew" and catch up on what is going on in their lives! So glad we are still in contact after all these year!! Love you guys!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nose hair??

Ok so I've noticed recently the amount of hair in my nose has pretty much quadrupled! Why is that? It's super annoying too! I cannot really SEE it but man I can feel it. Perhaps I need a handy dandy rotary clipper? Ugh the things we go through in life....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What can I say? I love it!

I'm re-reading the Twilight series... yet again. I finished Twilight the other day and I'm pretty much 3/4 done with New Moon, I will say I didn't let New Moon get me this time... I did cry! I'm so proud of myself, ha! I just love these books and I cannot get enough of them.

good times sometimes equal owie...

had a fabulous night last night with the neighbors and our "fake fire" drank a lil too much Coronita's but it's all good, was worth it, hehehehe. I plan on spending most of today indoors and hydrating! Thanks again Tiffany and Jen ;)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

not always a good day.

people seem to think i'm always upbeat, and yes for the more part I am but sometimes I just have crappy days. Like yesterday. yesterday should've never happened. it was just an all around crap day.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Almost the weekend!

It's been a long week. I guess that's what happens after you have a whole week OFF! I've been drowning in meetings all week, but it's something that needs to be done. In my ever growing need to control the world I like to be involved in as much as I can, it's a fault of mine.

Some of you know I am playing softball again, and we start our games next week. I am very excited to play! Our lovely team "Mercy Rule" is made up of fabulous spouses from Fort Jackson. Pictures will come soon. So everyone say a prayer for us that we don't get our faces bashed in... "NOT IN THE FACE"

Ariana started extra reading help on Monday and already I notice a huge difference. makes me wonder if she really needs it or was just looking for the extra attention? Turdy. Angelo is doing well with school too. Angelo is doing great in school too! He is getting better with tracing his name and LOVES to be on the computer.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day! I know the kids did!!

from my fellow Iowan Mandi

This is Amazing!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The visiting rainbow.

we have a rainbow that comes to visit our house, Angelo gets super excited when it shows up! Here is a picture of him with his "friend"

Friday, April 3, 2009

emotion's running high?

I cried twice today. Which is odd for me. First my very bestest friend in the whole wide word sent me a very heart felt birthday wish! And yes I'm going to share it!

i just wanted you to know that i wish you the happiest 30th birthday a girl has ever had. You are a remarkable person and the best friend I have ever known. You are a gift to everyone you meet. Thank you for sticking around in my life even though I'm certain I don't really deserve it. I wish you much love on your special day. Welcome to Decade # 3, its been lonely here without you.

All my love to the best girl I know.

I tell you what.... I'm super lucky! Then my wonderful husband surprised me with some gifts! He got me a DS lite with Brain age 1 & 2 and a new guitar for guitar hero AND..... DA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA........ GUITAR HERO METALLICA!! OH YES! So very excited. He also had a very sweet card that yet again made me cry!!!! I guess turning 30 ain't so bad with you are surrounded by the best people anyone could ask for :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

something cute to look at

Too funny! My fellow MN friend Mindy posted a video of her lil guy getting tickled and I took this video of Angelo today of him Tickleing me! ENJOY!

more of a rant.

so on tuesday I forked over a nice hunk o'change to Midas for 4 new tires, balance, allignment, oil change, new air filter... yah fun times. Well this morning my Check Engine light popped on... SAY WHAT? This better not be a sign of more things to come! I finally have a vehicle that I will keep forever, previously I would be turning this in for a new one about this time... but I'm not. I'm keeping this van. It's perfect for us! But anyways... not thrilled at the present condition. Dear ole dad told me to check a couple things and if they were ok I was not in too much trouble and he could probably check it for me when I come to VA next week. WHEW! Thank goodness for him!!!

Other than that.. I'm enjoying my last few days before I hit 3-0 YIKES. No plans, Wayne actually has a 3 day weekend, almost unheard of here! This is our first 3 day since we got here! For those non-military peeps who read, with Wayne being a Drill Sergeant you work 7 days a week. There is no such thing as a weekend. Granted we get some days off here and there, but 3 in a row??? WOAH. Not sure what to do or think! ha ha. So I plan to enjoy it with the kids! They will be THRILLED!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Wanted... pizza cutter.

My pizza cutter is missing. I think someone broke in and stole it... so alas I had to cut my pizza with a steak knife.. not an easy thing to do... WAH.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

we like bubble wrap and other fun things!

something about Bubble wrap that just amazes people! Especially in my house! Here are the kids playing dress up with it! And a video of them Ravin' out while dancing on Bubble wrap about a month ago... yup, like I said before, we like bubble wrap. ;) I also have Angelo wearing some BCG's at my good friend Jamie's graduation and the kids in a fort I made on Saturday when it was crappy weather outside. Nothing like a good fort to make the rainy days go by!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scouts Outs!

10 years ago my wonderful husband joined the United States Army! WOW! 10 YEARS??? We've been through some crazy times! 4 Deployments, 2 combat tours, to many field problems & schools to count. But here we are! I am so proud of him! Here's to my husband Sergeant First Class Wayne aka DRILL SERGEANT!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


there are not many things in life I regret... this I do. My very good friend Jamie joined the Army in January and I have not seen her in 9 weeks, her husband won an award today and I had the opportunity to go, but I did not... well guess who got to show up for a bit? JAMIE!!! Of course my other 2 friends made the trek out to the site and totally rubbed it in! It's ok though, I deserve it!!! It just might take a little bit for me to be totally over it. BLEH. Anyways, here is PFC Washburn in all her glory! GO JAMIE GO! See you tomorrow, woohoooooo!!!!!

Critters love my house

Last year we had Squirrels living in the walls, this year I found a Raccoon making it's way into my roof!?! So the Game Warden was called and they came to set traps, and viola after only one night the little bugger was caught! Bye Bye Raccoon!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Having a little fun

I like to play pranks on my friends, it's something I do. Well today I got my good friend Shannon, we "broke" into her house and turned her chairs around and opened all her kitchen cupboards, it was fantastic. I also took something important, we'll see if she notices, ha!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kidney Doc Update

went to my doctors today for another kidney apt. Things are going well. I did get some sad news that they are counting my right kidney as "dead" before it was just kinda functioning, ahh well. A big problem I've been having is the large amounts of protein in my urine, a normal adult should have less that 250mg I was producing over 2000mg. That was back in May, they since put me on 2 new meds, one in april and after 6 months of that my protein is down to 900mg so I got some more blood work etc done today to see if the 2nd new med is doing its job too. I will get results later on. We also talked about my diagnosis. with all the Nephrologists I've seen no one has diagnosised me. This one finally did! I have Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a type of Glomerular Disease, one of many diseases that affect kidney function by attacking the glomeruli, the tiny units within the kidney where blood is cleaned. Glomerulosclerosis (gloh-MAIR-yoo-loh-skleh-ROH-sis) describes the scarring or hardening of the tiny blood vessels within the kidney.
with that being said these new meds I'm on seem to be helping! We did talk more about a kidney bipsy but he stressed he didn't feel it nessesary and it was really my choice, I opted for no biopsy. Too many risks involved in that and with just having one good kidney I'm staying away from the operating table, thank you very much! ha ha. I feel great and my blood pressure read was fabulous! 120/80!!!! So that is my update! Hooray!

Today is Kidney Doc Day! Hooray!

I'm headed to my Kidney doc in a few, to have a follow up apt to see if the new meds are doing their trick... I'm sure I won't find out today, because I"ll need to be poked and prodded. So look for an update coming soon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I *think* I'm still 20

So.... I've joined another softball team, why don't I learn? I'm not as spry as I once was, haha. I've injured my knee, yuck. Ah well I will survive, but for now I'm doing the "it looks like i've got something fabulous stuck up my butt walk"

On a happier note I got a make over today. The time had come to chop my hair and get a new color...! woohoo!! I love it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One of my favorite Videos via youtube

well it's about time

I am moving away from myspace so I need a place to put my thoughts down, so Viola, here I am. For my first blog I would like to talk about Ice Cream and how much I love it! Today I visited a new favorite spot of mine, Brusters. Oh yes. My new foe... Chocolate Pecan ice cream, SAY WHAT? It's a woman on PMS' saving grace! Salty & Sweet, yes please!!! So there you have it. Ice Cream, one of the MANY things I love.