Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 3

Today is Sunday, the day of rest, not for the Drill Sergeants. DH's alarms started going off at 5am, we now have 4 alarms, 2 on the actual alarm clock and 2 on his cell phone. This routine started soon after we arrived here at Fort Jackson. I hardly hear them anymore, ha! I got up a couple hours later to get the kids ready for CCD and church. I decided I would "go back" to church today. I have been unfulfilled in that area of my life since we've been here at Fort Jackson. I haven't found that connection to the Parrish here like I have at other Installations. But today was great! I hope this is a sign of more good things to come. Being in the Army most people become very religious, in our family War made Sergeant come to peace with God. He has his own interpretations of how that works and I love it. There were many soldiers in the service today, and seemed that most of them were there for the right reasons instead of wasting time or trying to score cigarettes or a soda from Burger King, yes that happens all the time and Church is probably the best place for "drug deals" if you will. Sad but true. Anyways... have not heard from the Drill yet today, probably won't until he is in the parking lot getting ready to head home. The all too familiar text "headed home do you need anything" I've grown to love and expect. It makes me smile because after the crazy long day he's just had he still thinks of me and wonders if I need anything. Of course I always respond no thanks, and in my head thing HURRY HOME! I'll be waiting for stories of the day and to reassure him that he's doing the best he can and build him up where he needs it. After all that is my job in the Army.. My Soldiers support and Strength where and when he needs it.

Well my soldier rolled in at 845pm tonight, early night for him? It surprised me. We were able to watch a couple shows on TV before it was time to crash and start the routine all over again. He seemed up beat and said he thinks this cycle will be good, so far the soldiers are eager to learn, that is a great thing to hear!! Let's hope the momentum lasts all cycle!!!