Friday, December 10, 2010

Today is a Good day!

And after the past 2 week's I 've endured I needed one!  I had my bi-annual (is that right?) Kidney Doc Appointment, things are going great!  But anytime I go see him and they don't use the word transplant is a good visit for me, LOL but this was even better because my Doc downgraded my Renal Disease from Stage 3 (booo) to Stage 2 (yaya!!!!)  Very excited about that, and my labs look fantastic.  But why wouldn't they?  I'm sure I have the most fabulous blood of anyone around?  RIGHT???  So ya  for me and my "hanging in there" Kidney's. 

Now onto some somber stuff, as many of you may know my Squadron 1-61 CAV lost 6 amazing Soldiers on November 29th.  It was a hard smack in the face and seeing and hearing what these surviving families are going through just breaks my heart.  But it also lifts me up so see how us as Spouses can come together to provide support.  And to see how "big Army" as well and the Currahee (that is 4 brigade combat team) come together to take on the task of taking care of everyone.  There was a great article in our Post news paper today in regards to how our AMAZING Rear D is handling these tasks LINK