Saturday, October 31, 2009


The Drill Sergeant had today off because of his CQ duty last night. He came home around 9ish, I was in the shower, he burst int he door and yelled HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Scared the crap out of me. When I got out of the shower I realized my house had been turned into a crazy house! The kids were running around being wild, this seems to always happen when Daddy comes home!?! After I got them settled down, I got a quick kiss from DH and off to bed he went. I rounded up the kids for a day of Brownie's and errands. We got back home around 1 pm and I decided to catch up on DVR shows, kids went to their rooms to play. I used to try and keep the kids quiet while Daddy slept but I've learned that he is usually so exhausted a bomb probably wouldn't wake him. He rolled out of bed around 430pm just in time to get ready for Trick or Treating! WE had a great night as a family!!! Halloween is one of our favorite holiday's and it's always great when the whole family is around. Gotta make the best of it!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 1 - Ship Day

well today is just about over, ship day has come and gone. DH (dear hubby) has the joy of being on CQ (charge of quarters) tonight, meaning he is at the company for 24 + hours making sure everyone is behaving. I was able to be at the company when the new crop of soldiers arrived, it was inspiring to see how determined these young men and women are! I am anxious and hopeful that this cycle will prove one of the best yet! AAA-O!!! (that is our Battalions' modo) At 8pm tonight I got a 1 word text message from him saying "FOOD" that ment he did not get a chance to eat at the mess hall/DFAC, so I loaded up the kids in the jammies and ran to BK, only to find out they close at 8pm, PUNKS! So off post I had to go, I picked him up some McDonalds and ran it into the company, I didn't see him as he was with the PVTS so I just left it on the desk. As I was leaving I heard someone whistling coming down the stairs and I just knew it was him, sure enough, so I got a little kiss and off I went. The kids were exhausted after a long day out.

Myself and 4 other Army wives took 16 kids to the zoo today in our Halloween costumes. It was FANTASTIC! The day was filled with both kids asking if Daddy was coming home? They've got used to him being around after almost 2 weeks off cycle. Poor babies. I explained that Daddy is back to work, and Ariana my 7 year old says "oh so he'll be working really late again" It's amazing how balanced and accepting my children are. I am so proud of them! This life isn't the easiest but darnit they ROCK IT OUT! Anywho, it's nearing 11pm and I'm tired. Off to my lonely be I go, at least the doggies will keep be company tonight, ha ha!

Household 6 signing out!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blogging's from a Drill Sgt's Spouse

Ok so we are on the eve of day one of our LAST cycle on at Fort Jackson. We have been here almost 2 years so our time on the trail is coming to a close. For this last cycle I have decided to blog about the cycle from a DSS (drill sergeant spoues') point of view. This will be our families' 9th cycle since coming here. I say our family because YES, every cycle effects the whole family. Late nights and early mornings effect everyone. The kids have gone a whole week without seeing their Dad even though he comes home every night. Anyways. This should be interesting... follow along if you'd like :)

it's now officially October 30th, so in 14 hours our lives will be turned upside down again. Here's to hoping this cycle goes smooth.

Until next time... Household 6 signing out.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall is here!

I love the south, I love the heat and humidity! But I also love the crisp cold air! This past week has been really cool and I LOVE IT! Today we ventured out of the house and visited a Local Farm that has a corn maze and hayride and other activities to do. It was such a great time! the kids had a blast! I cannot share my pictures right now b/c my connector cord is not working but hopefully tomorrow that will be fixed. Anyways we enjoyed a great family day out which are few and far between when you are on the trail (Husband's a Drill Sergeant) so we cherished EVERY minute of it!

Friday, October 9, 2009

AUSA Conference

Chris, Kate, myself finally HOME!

I was invited to attend the AUSA (Association of the United States Army) conference in Washington D.C this week. It was a great opportunity to represent Fort Jackson and all the issues we want brought to the attention of the commanders. What a great week!

woah. is all I have to say. It was a great opportunity for me as well as the other 3 ladies who came. Needless to say it was a HUGE eye opener. This was the first year that TRADOC was invited so that was HOOAH!

after our first day of sessions we realized that all the info and training we were getting was geared towards FORSCOM (the posts and unit that deploy)..... not really helping us out. So we brought that to the attention of the "higher ups" putting on the conference. They were very excited ot hear from us. So they tried to shift as much as they could. I was surprised at how LITTLE FRG leaders did NOT know?? A couple ladies never heard for EMFP??? excuse me? Or Respite care???? And I was excited to learn that we have our sh!t together at Fort Jackson compared to other BCT posts!!! I did learn that other BCT posts get cycle breaks where as Ft Jackson is working on almost a year with zero cycle breaks for majority of the units. I brought his issue up to the Deputy Tradoc commander and he was surprised and concerned with that news... so i"m hoping something will be done. Also I learned that respite care for Drill Sgts families is on the way (hooray) AND most important we met with Congresswoman Gilford from AZ and she told us the bill for the 3.9% raise was pushed through!!! SAWEET! Then on the way home we shared the bus and plane with Congressman Wilson (woohoo) and he also assured us that the raise was going to come! So that was great news!