Monday, December 17, 2012

Kidney Doc Appointment

I decided to do a blog post b/c it's to much info for a FB status... so deal with it!  :P

Kidney Doc update:  this visit was on the fence.  Good and Bad to report.  Good!  my blood pressure is low, almost to low, so I need to monitor it and if it does not come up a little bit or I keep getting light headed I need to cut one of my pills in half.  So yay for low Blood Pressure, only took almost 20 years to get it under control but now it's almost to low, ha!  I cannot win.  Also another good is my creatinine is 1.8, down from 1.9 3 months ago.  I'LL TAKE IT!  My GFR number is still 62, so that did not get any worse, yay!  Ok onto the bad.  My potassium was high, high enough to alarm my doctor.  He gave me the serious talk, as in I need to watch my intake and not let it get any higher.  Because if it gets to high the only way to fix it will be Dialysis.  DAMMIT he used the "D" word.    So I am armed with a sheet of paper with all foods high in potassium and the knowledge that I need to get this shit in check.  BLEH.  So there you have it.  I went into this appointment with hopes of not having to go back in a year, but alas I need a 6 month check b/c of the potassium levels.  But I'm optimistic it will all work out!